Leita etter litt mer informasjon om cilantro eller fersk korander, som jeg kaller det - men som jeg må på internasjonal butikk for å få tak i. Da fant jeg denne oppskriften, her.
3 cups cooked rice (white or brown)
1 teaspoon lime zest, minced (revet skall)
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
3 tablespoons cilantro, finely minced
Toss lime zest, lime juice, and cilantro with cooked rice. Serve warm or cold.
Litt mer om fersk koriander:
An aromatic annual Eurasian herb (Coriandrum sativum) in the parsley family, having parsleylike leaves and umbels of tiny white to pinkish flowers. It is cultivated for its fruits, leafy shoots, and roots.The fresh young leafy plantlets of this herb, used in salads and various dishes as a flavoring and garnish. Also called Chinese parsley, cilantro.